Roosevelt Island FDR Hope Memorial And AVAC Garbage Removal Upgrade On Agenda For September 29 Community Board 8 Roosevelt Island Committee - Come Learn What's Going On
The Manhattan Community Board 8 (CB 8) Roosevelt Island Committee is meeting 6:30 PM Tuesday September 29 at the Manhattan Park Theater Club (8 River Road). Among the meeting items on the CB 8 Roosevelt Island Committee Agenda is upgrade of the Roosevelt Island Automated Vacuum Collection System (AVAC)
Down underground! It's a bag. It's a plate. It's the flying trash of Roosevelt Island!— Matt Chaban (@MC_NYC) August 3, 2015
and a discussion of the FDR Hope Memorial.According to the CB 8 Roosevelt Island Committee:
Meeting Date:The Roosevelt Island community is invited to attend.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015 - 6:30pm
Meeting Location:
Manhattan Park Theater Club
8 River Road, Community Room
Roosevelt Island, NY
A presentation by Rosina Abramson of ENVAC. ENVAC served as consultants to the Department of Sanitation relating to the upgrade of RI's AVAC system.
Discussion regarding FDR Hope Memorial and its review of proposed memorial by the NYC Public Design Commission.
Jeffrey Escobar and Laurence Parnes
Roosevelt Island Committee, Co-Chairs
Here's more information on Roosevelt Island AVAC garbage removal system, Envac and FDR Hope Memorial.