Roosevelt Island Parents' Network Free Crafts With Kids Lantern Making Workshop Tuesday November 10 & St Martins Lantern Procession Wednesday November 11 - Please RSVP
Roosevelt Island Parents' Network Coordinator (RIPN) Eva Bosbach reports:
Dear all,Please RSVP if you would like to attend.
You are invited to the next event in the free "Crafts with Kids" series by the Roosevelt Island Parents' Network:
"Lantern making workshop" for children will take place this coming Tuesday, November 10, 5:30-6:30pm at the Senior Center, 546 Main Street.
We are planning to make paper lanterns
in the shape of a mushroom or a lamp
that the children can take with them on the St. Martins lantern procession this Wednesday late afternoon November 11. We will meet 4:30 PM at the Good Shepherd, read the St Martins story and then walk around with the children holding the lit lanterns.
You are also welcome to join just for one of these activities - only for the lantern making or only for the procession.
A special thank you to Saskia and Natalia for organizing this craft event. Also thank you to Dolores Green, Barbara Parker, Wendy Hersh and Marylin Atkins from the Senior Center for letting us use their space for the event.
Please RSVP to
And as always: If you have craft event ideas you would like us to include in the "Craft with Kids" series, or if you have other ideas for activities of the RI Parents' Network, please get in touch with me.
Saskia, Natalia and Eva
"Crafts with Kids" is a free workshop series for children organized by the Roosevelt Island Parents' Network. The monthly events included "Tram art and necklaces", "Matisse for Kids", "Valentines Craft", "St Patricks Craft", "Earth Day Craft", "Easter Craft", "Mothers Day Craft", "Fathers Day Craft", "Summer craft - a lady bug", a "Back to school craft" and a "Halloween craft".