Resiliency Plan For Roosevelt Island Coler Hospital Area And Plans For New Public Library Branch On Agenda For Joint RIOC Real Estate And Operations Advisory Committees Meeting Today
The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Operations Advisory and Real Estate Advisory Committees will be holding a joint meeting later today. According to RIOC
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a joint meeting of the Operations Advisory and Real Estate Advisory Committees of the RIOC Board of Directors will be held on Monday, November 9, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. at the Manhattan Park Community Center, 8 River Road, Roosevelt Island, New York.An audio web cast of the meeting will be available soon thereafter.
1. Discussion of New York Public Library Plans for 504 Main Street.
2. Discussion of Resiliency Plan for North Section of Roosevelt Island.
3. Any Other Committee Business That May be Brought Before the Committees.
The Open Meetings Law of the State of New York requires that all public bodies conduct meetings, convened for the purpose of officially conducting public business, in a manner open to attendance by the general public to observe and listen.
The October 22 RIOC Board of Directors meeting had a brief review regarding the future of the Coler Parking Lot (video of full meeting here). RIOC Director Margie Smith summarized the October 13 RIOC Operations Advisory Committee meeting (audio web cast here) discussion on Coler Parking lot. Ms Smith reported on jurisdictional issues
between RIOC and NYC Health & Hospitals Corp regarding the parking lot and possible additional green park space for portions of the area.
RIOC President Charlene Indelicato added that Coler Hospital would make a presentation to RIOC on a Resiliency Plan for the area.
Here's the RIOC Board meeting discussion on Coler Parking Lot
and full October 13 Operations Advisory Committee meeting discussion. RIOC President Charlene Indelicato said near the end of the meeting (at the 19 minute mark) about Coler Parking lot:
... To take something away from people is always hard. Its harder than anything. This they see it as they used it all these years. There's some kind of agreement over the years. No one is quite certain what it was and now we want to use a portion of it and even that is difficult. We have to learn to work with each other and both give a little bit...RIOC Director Margie Smith added that Coler Hospital:
... has not been a good neighbor as far as keeping it clean and safe. It was a mess....
More on the NYPL new Roosevelt Island Branch scheduled to open in 2018 at this May 2015 post.
UPDATE 2:15 PM - From the Twitterverse:
New sea-level rise projections say New York City could be six feet under by 2100.
— NRDC (@NRDC) November 9, 2015