Thursday, April 7, 2016

RIRA Island Services Committee Reports Pessimistically On Roosevelt Island Tram Station Elevators, Sportspark & Southtown Commercial Trash Problem - Also, Update On New Public Library, Enhanced Seniors Center Services & Playground Inspections

Below is Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Island Services Committee (ISC)

report to the RIRA Common Council: 


ISC met 3/30/16.

Tram Elevators – The design of the new elevators is only 60% finished. Soil testing at the site is completed and an elevator construction consultant is on board. RIOC has not issued a new estimated date for operation of the elevators. ISC’s realistic new estimate is that the elevators will not be in operation until fall, 2017. We hope this is wrong and we will be surprised if the elevators come on‐line earlier.

Sportspark – Only a few minor repairs and changes have been made since our 1/26/16 meeting with Sportspark’s staff. We are awaiting the completion of the new roof project (expected in July, 2016) and the start of a number of major projects to further improve the facility.

There are continuing complaints about the quality of several classes. We are trying to help Sportspark recruit new teachers who should be able to improve the Sportspark programs.

Commercial Trash in Southtown – Last month the daily condition of the trash yard substantially deteriorated. We are working with Related’s new manager for commercial property to bring the yard back to meeting Dept. of Sanitation regulations. Just last week, there has been evidence of improvements. ISC will continue to monitor the situation until the yard routinely meets standards.

New Public Library – The library project remains on schedule for an opening sometime in late 2017 to early 2018.

Enhanced Services/Programs at Senior Center – We are not ready to meet with Senior Center officers as we are still developing information.

Community Use of Good Shepherd & Cultural Center – ISC has begun a fact‐ finding study of the conditions for community use of both Good Shepherd and the Cultural Center. We will check with all organizations that use these facilities to see if their needs are being met, review all RIOC regulations and policies governing use of the facilities, and determine what rental rates apply.

Respectfully Submitted,

Aaron Hamburger, ISC Chair
Mr. Hamburger and RIRA ISC member Suzy del Campo Perea provided an oral update of the ISC Report regarding the Tram Station Elevators, Southtown Commercial Garbage area, Sportspark improvements and playground inspections.

As reported earlier this week, the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) will be presenting plans for the new Roosevelt Island Manhattan Tram Station elevators at an April 12 Community Board 8 Meeting. All residents are encouraged to attend the meeting.