Roosevelt Island Parents' Network Free Spring Crafts With Kids Saturday April 16, RSVP Today - On Roosevelt Island We ... Make Our Community A Better Place Initiative
Roosevelt Island Parents' Network Coordinator Eva Bosbach reports:
Dear RI parents,For more info on RIPN and the On Roosevelt Island We campaign, contact here.
We would like to invite you to another event in the free "Crafts with Kids" series by the Roosevelt Island Parents' Network.
Join us for "Spring Craft and On RI We..." next Saturday, April 16, 10-11 AM at the Senior Center, 546 Main Street.
Children of all ages and their parents are invited to participate in a discussion of what makes this Island a special place to live and then draw some contributions to the "On RI We..." initiative (more information about the initiative can be found further below).
As you can see in the attached drawings from two 4 year old girls, we already learned that "On RI We see the future"
Image From Aja
and "On RI We come together".
Image From Theresa
We are excited to see what else our children like, don't like, think about or wish for in regards to our Island! Posters with the children's work will be reproduced and distributed on Main Street and on the Red Bus.
In the second part of the craft we would like to welcome the Spring! We are sure all of us love watching the cherry blossom trees and wish that they could stay for a longer time. So let's make some more cherry blossom trees with our kids. The children will learn printmaking while creating beautiful pink flowers.
Image From Pinterest
Our tiny toddlers can use their tiny fingers. Please bring along an old soda/pop bottle if you have one.
Special thank you goes to Leila Vujosevic and the RI Explorers for donating crayons for children who want to participate in the "On RI We.." project, to the HOPE Church for donating part of our supplies for the Spring Craft, and to Dolores Green, Barbara Parker, Wendy Hersh and Marylin Atkins from the Senior Center for letting us use their space for the event.
Please RSVP to by Thursday, April 14.
"Crafts with Kids" is a free workshop series for children organized by the Roosevelt Island Parents' Network. The monthly events included "Tram art and necklaces", "Matisse for Kids", "Valentine's Craft", "Black History Month Craft", "St. Patrick's Craft", "Earth Day Craft", "Easter Craft", "Mothers Day Craft", "Fathers Day Craft", "Summer craft - a lady bug", a "Back to school craft", a "Halloween craft", a "Lantern making workshop", a "Thanksgiving Craft" and a "Holiday Craft".
Roosevelt Island Parents’ Network (RIPN) and the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) invite the children to participate in the ON ROOSEVELT ISLAND WE campaign by sharing ideas about what makes our Island so special! We believe in creative power of children and their genuine desire to be useful. We also know how much they appreciate Roosevelt Island and wish to make it a better place for all. Please use the space above to make a drawing and description of your proposal and deliver it to 455 Main Street front desk, attention: Leila. Posters with children’s work will be reproduced and distributed on Main Street and Red Bus.
We are looking forward to seeing you!
Neha, Christina and Eva