Thursday, June 23, 2016

Yay, Blackwell Park Sprinkler Working, But Problems With Blackwell Park Playground Equipment Says Roosevelt Island Mom - Baby Swing Broken, Equipment Retaining Water Attracting Mosquitoes And Kids Getting Fingers Stuck

Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Roosevelt Landings Common Council Member and Mom Susy del Campo Perea reported yesterday:

Blackwell Playground Sprinkler Is ON!!! Yay!

Just one is on, but at least one is working.

Remember to help by keeping the Sprinkler drainage clear of any object that can clog it because if it gets clogged, RIOC might have to turn off the sprinklers in order to fix it (and we know that it takes time for RIOC).

We now have one of two sprinklers working, one baby swing for the whole island and a broken swing for toddlers. The piece broken is the plastic bucket seat.

The 2 baby play structures

in Blackwell Park retain water when raining or when watering the surrounding grass. This happens all year long. The structures are installed incorrectly. They have drainage canals but they do not work because of the way they were installed (crooked).

It is now mosquito season.  In that area, we have a lot of mosquitoes due to the water sitting there for days. These play structures are the ones for babies and toddlers (as the sticker says 0-36 months). Nobody wants their baby touching water that is dirty and has been there sitting for days.

Also, the 2 blue poles in the middle of the playground

are extremely dangerous. The holes that they have are big enough for toddlers and kids to put their fingers through but also the fingers are getting stuck.

The two poles are nothing but 2 Dangerous located in the middle of the play area where kids have bumped into them more than one time (the height is perfect for kids bumping their heads with those).  Please remove them completely (not fixed but removed). While waiting for the poles to be removed, the holes (2 per pole) can be closed or screws with caps can be installed to avoid a finger injury.