Make A Ladybug Hat At Roosevelt Island Parents' Network Summer Crafts With Kids Free Workshop Thursday July 14 - Please RSVP
Roosevelt Island Parents' Network Coordinator Eva Bosbach reports:
We would like to invite you to another event in the free "Crafts with Kids" series by the Roosevelt Island Parents' Network.For more info on RIPN, contact here.
Join us for "Summer Craft" next Saturday, July 16th, 10-11 AM. We will confirm the venue upon your RSVP.
For this Summer Craft the children will make a "Ladybug Hat,"
which is a fun and simple craft activity for kids (plus the finished hats make pretty cute photos too!). Perhaps your children can wear this cool hat for a summer day ladybug hunt!?
Please RSVP to by Thursday, July 14th.
We are looking forward to seeing you,
Natalia, Neha and Eva
"Crafts with Kids" is a free workshop series for children organized by the Roosevelt Island Parents' Network. The monthly events included "Tram art and necklaces", "Matisse for Kids", "Valentine's Craft", "Black History Month Craft", "Spring Craft", "St. Patrick's Craft", "Earth Day Craft", "Easter Craft", "Mothers Day Craft", "Fathers Day Craft", "Summer craft - a lady bug", a "Back to school craft", a "Halloween craft", a "Lantern making workshop", a "Thanksgiving Craft", a "Holiday Craft" and the "On Roosevelt Island We... Craft".