2016 Roosevelt Island Fall For Arts Festival September 24 - RIOC Seeking Artists To Paint Mosaics Depicting Scenes Of New York City
The annual Roosevelt Island Fall For Arts Festival is scheduled for Saturday September 24.
According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC)
On Saturday, September 24th, 2016, the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation will present the annual Fall for Arts Festival on Roosevelt Island.Here's an excellent video from Qifan Cheung
We are seeking artists or groups to each paint one of several 6-by-8-foot murals outdoors during the Festival, which will be held from 11 AM – 4 PM on the lawn south of 531 Main St. Artists are free to arrange an earlier time to begin their work, if needed.
This year, our theme is “Mosaic Vignettes: Scenes of New York City” which will allow artists to design their own visions of NYC using diverse elements to create a collage of images. We are looking for fine artists to create works of art using a technique of mosaic or mosaic painting, using any media of your choice (mixed media, collage, painting, etc).
How to Apply: We invite you to submit a sketch of your design or any inquiries along with a title and short description of the concept and technical method. Sketches should be sized according to a 6’ x 8’ ratio and submitted in jpeg, PDF or hard copy format.
To find out more information on how to apply please visit
We welcome your participation and creativity – good luck!
and more scenes from 2015 Roosevelt Island Fall For Arts Festival.
Contact RIOC for more info and apply to paint.