Friday, September 9, 2016

Roosevelt Island Youth Program Fall 2016 Free Soccer Season Begins Saturday September 10 With Player Evaluations - Volunteer Coaches Needed

Roosevelt Island Youth Program (RIYP) Executive Director Charlie Defino reports:

The Roosevelt Island Youth Program Beacon competitive recreational soccer league begins it's 2016 Fall season with evaluations this Saturday at Octagon Field. The program has 5 divisions, Kinder kickers (5 years of age), Minors (6 & 7), Sophomores (8 & 9), Juniors (10-11 & 12), Seniors are 13 to 16 years of age.

This program has been a staple of our community for the past 30 years and we need volunteer coaches to work with our kids, so please contact Andrey Chichagov at

Our kids need your support for free services for everyone!
Here are some scenes from prior RIYP Soccer Season.

Please contact to volunteer for the RIYP Fall Soccer Season.