Monday, October 10, 2016

Roosevelt Island Jewish Congregation Yom Kippur Services Begin Tuesday Evening October 11 - La Shanah Tovah

Roosevelt Island Jewish Congregation (RIJC) President Nina Lublin reports:

Leana Moritt, Rabbi.

Nina Lublin, President

L'Shanah Tovah !!

We continue our High Holy Day services with Yom Kippur.

Image From Judy Berdy

Come worship with our Rabbi, Leana Moritt & guest Hazzan, Rabbi Leslie Schotz at the Cultural Center:

Yom Kippur

All Services Conducted in the Sanctuary / Small & Large Studios

Tuesday, October 11

6:00 pm Sharp -- Kol Nidrei
5:45 pm -- Child Care in the Classroom / Blackwell Room

Wednesday October 12

9:00 am -- Morning Services
9:00 am -- Child Care in the Classroom / Blackwell Room
11:00 am -- Children's Service in the Theatre

4:30 pm -- Afternoon Service -- Ne'ilah / Havdalah / Break-the-Fast
4:30 pm -- Child Care

All activities are held at the Cultural Center. Staircase entry located thru the Breezeway to the left of 540 Main Street.

Elevator / barrier free entry located thru the Breezeway at 556 Main Street, turn right & walk to double doors behind Public Safety ( follow signs ).

Thank You to everyone who came to the RIJC for Rosh Hashanah services;

We look forward to your return this Tuesday, or to having you worship with us for the first time.

Thanks to all of you who joined the RIJC for the first time, or renewed your membership, or made a donation for the new year.

All is appreciated.

Please visit our website, for more information about the High Holidays, our schedule of services, special events, & our Hebrew School.

Please contact me directly if I can be of further assistance.