Monday, October 10, 2016

Roosevelt Island Parents' Network RI MoM Walking & Exercise Group Meeting Tuesday Morning October 11 At Tram Kiosk - Dads Welcome Too

Roosevelt Island Parents' Network Coordinator Eva Bosbach reports:

Hi all,

The next free RI Parents' Network RI Moms on the Move (RI MoM) walk, exercise, chat and play will take place tomorrow, Tuesday October 11 2016, starting at 9:30am at the Tram kiosk.

Join us for some exercise, chat and play!

 We will meet at the tram kiosk at 9:30am and go for a walk (weather permitting).

Afterwards (around 10:00 am) we will go indoors and continue with some exercise,

chat and play

in one of the playrooms.

Please send me a short e-mail if you are interested in joining us.

Dads are welcome too.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Feel free to contact us for more information on the Roosevelt Island Parents' Network.  

Saskia and Eva