Thursday, December 15, 2016

Chicken Wings, Knife, Cleaver - Roosevelt Island China One Counter Person Thwarts Robbery Attempt At Closing Time Tuesday Night

According to the December 13 Roosevelt Island Public Safety Incident report:

12/13/16- 2300- 609 Main St.- Robbery- PSD/NYPD responded. Referred to NYPD.
I asked the NYPD what happened. The NYPD reported that a male, approximately 18 years of age went into the Roosevelt Island China One restaurant

Image From Google Maps

about 11 PM on December 13 asking for an order of chicken wings.

The China One counter person said the store was closed after which the chicken wing seeking male took out a knife and demanded money. The China One Counter Person responded by picking up a cleaver and the male quickly left the store.

Nobody was injured