Tuesday, December 13, 2016

After Delays, Roosevelt Island Sportspark Facility To Open In Mid January Says RIOC - Getting Competent Contractors To Work On Roosevelt Island Among Reasons For Delays

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) consultant Mike Russo reported to the December 8 RIOC Board of Directors meeting about the problems associated with renovating the Sportspark facility

 Sportspark Image From Google Maps

which was scheduled to be completed before Thanksgiving.

Image From RIOC

According to Mr. Russo, obtaining competent contractors to work on Roosevelt Island is extremely difficult which contributed to delays in completing the Sportspark renovation on schedule.

RIOC President Susan Rosenthal added that Sportspark should open in Mid January 2017 when heat becomes available for the facility.

The Sportspark renovations include installation of a new roof, a new boiler and repairs to the pool.

Full video web cast of RIOC December 8 meeting here.