Sunday, March 12, 2017

Join The Chabad Of Roosevelt Island For Purim In The Persian Palace Tonight - Festive Dinner, Splendid Entertainment & Fun Fit For The Whole Family

An invitation from the Chabad Of Roosevelt Island to Purim In The Persian Palace:

Join Chabad Of Roosevelt Island Purim in the Persian Palace Sunday March 12 at 5 PM 425 Main Street
 Come one come all
Dressed for the royal ball
A King and Queen Sensation
A Majestic Purim Celebration
Sunday March 12 is the appointed date
5:00 in the evening, you don't want to be late
A festive dinner with drinks fit for Royalty
Splendid entertainment and fun for the whole family

Please RSVP to Chabad Of Roosevelt Island at 212 652- 5660 or email
Sorry for the short notice.

According to the Huffington Post:
Purim is a spring holiday that commemorates the Jewish community's narrow escape from collective destruction in the ancient Persian Empire. The word itself, purim, comes from the Persian word for "lots" and is a reference to the fact that the date set for the Jews' annihilation was chosen by casting lots.

There are several major components of the Purim holiday, including public readings of the Book of Esther (k'riat megillah), giving charity to the poor (matanot la'evyonim) and delivering gifts to friends (mishloach manot). But Purim is most obviously characterized by a boisterous feast (se'udah) during which participants dress in costumes and drink to excess....
The Maccabeats celebrate and explain Purim too.

Click here to RSVP for Chabad of Roosevelt Island Persian Palace.