Monday, April 10, 2017

Young Roosevelt Island Residents Organize Bake Sale For Syrian Refugees At RI Farmers Market - Had To Do Something To Help People Caught In Humanitarian Crisis Says Young Resident

Young Roosevelt Island resident Kaoutar Afif organized a bake sale, with the help of her friends,

to raise funds for Syrian refugees at last Saturday's Roosevelt Island Farmers Market.

Ms Kaoutar decided she had to act, do something, to help people caught in this humanitarian crisis and came up with the idea of reaching out to her community on Roosevelt Island with a fundraising bake sale that she hopes to continue in the following weeks.

The money raised goes to the International Rescue Committee.

I spoke with Ms. Kaoutar at the Farmers Market. Here's what she said.

More info on the International Rescue Committee's efforts to aid Syrian and other refugees

available at their web site.