There's Good News And Bad News - Good News, Roosevelt Island Sportspark Gym Opening Monday April 10, Bad News, Sportspark Pool Still Closed Until Further Notice Due To Unforeseen Circumstances Says RIOC
There's good news and there's bad news. The good news is that as announced last Friday, the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) is re-opening the Sportspark Facility
after a long delayed renovation. The bad news is that the Sportspark Pool
will remain closed until further notice due to:
unforeseen circumstance....According to this RIOC Advisory released this afternoon:
please be advised that due to unforeseen circumstances the sports park pool will remain closed until further notice.RIOC meant Monday April 10.
the sports park gymnasium will still be open tomorrow, Monday April 9th. we apologize for the inconvenience.
I asked RIOC today:
What happened. What were the unforeseen circumstances?Will update when answer is received.
What is going on at the Sportspark?
UPDATE 3/10 9:40 AM - RIOC Vice President of Operations Shelton Haynes reports:
We were very disappointed to discover that the pool had a leak in it which flooded the engine room Saturday. There is substantial damage which is still being assessed today, this week.
The pool was half empty when the staff arrived and they had to pump water out to the engine room all afternoon Saturday. We have RIOC staff, contractors, plumbers and electricians all addressing the issue. We will have a better assessment this week of what we are dealing with.