Long Lines Past The Turnstyle And Down Stairs Greet Roosevelt Island Tram Riders On First Evening Commute With Only Single Tram Cabin Running For Tram Station Repairs - It Was Horrific Says One Resident
How is your commute home to Roosevelt Island with your only 1 Cabin running? Line Stretches beyond turnstiles tonight. Will last thru winter pic.twitter.com/2zoQvl8TNH— Roosevelt Islander (@Rooseveltisland) July 26, 2017
A Roosevelt Island Tram rider shares these photos and reports:It was horrific😡. #readyfortheferry ⛴— NamelyNorm (@NamelyNorm) July 27, 2017
It's now 6 PM
Line is stretched beyond turnstiles
down the steps.
They should ban bikes, and strollers must be folded at peak hour..whelchairs are suffering.
This is ridiculous
Another Roosevelt Island resident added:Ah, but you'll have the joys of limited #RooseveltIsland tram service for SIX MONTHS, plus elevator often broken. Great planning, @RIOCny 🚡 https://t.co/Nms1kRyJvx— Hope Dellon (@hopedellon) July 26, 2017
A disaster. No clue as to why Red Bus service to the city doesn't start running at 8:30 am...During the July 25 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Operations Advisory Committee meeting, RIOC engineering consultant Mike Russo described the Tram Station repair project and use of a single Tram cabin to RIOC Directors.
Part 1.
Part 2.
Tonight was just the beginning.
UPDATE 10:50 PM - A Resident suggested:
There need to be signs on the Manhattan side that highlight (to tourists especially) that the tram is a critical way those who are disabled and with small children/strollers get home. If you are able to take the F or red bus, kindly do so as the tram is only 50% functional.Another:
Or something like that. It's awful when the crowds are so big, pushing over small kids, people with disabilities, and well, everyone. It's awful. More signage!
I agree-it was horrible. As much as I don't like the subway, I'll be using the F subway until the repairs are done.and another:
And that's why I moved to Astoria. Loved the island but hated the commute