You're Invited To Share Ideas To Help Roosevelt Island Senior Community With Cornell Tech Women In Technology & Entrepreneurship In New York Program Tea And Cookie Chat Wednesday July 26
The Cornell Tech Women In Technology and Entrepreneurship in New York program is hosting a Tea and Cookie Chat seeking your ideas to help Roosevelt Island Seniors.
According to Cornell Tech:
TEA and COOKIE CHATHere's more on WITNY
Will you help with a student project?
Are you an older adult? Do you have parents or grandparents on RI? Are you interested in volunteering with older adults?
Cornell Tech’s WiTNY Summer Guild students want to hear your ideas about how to help the Roosevelt Island Senior Center better serve older adults on RI.
Please join us for conversation, tea and cookies
Wednesday, July 26th from 10am - 12 noon
at one of these locations:
Feel free to drop in anytime between 10:00 and 12:00
- Roosevelt Island Senior Center (546 Main St.)
- Gallery RIVAA (527 Main St.)
while the students are there.
Your thoughts and ideas will be most welcome!
Questions? Please contact Jane Swanson or 646-220-1505
WiTNY (Women in Technology & Entrepreneurship in NY) is a partnership between Cornell Tech and CUNY to increase the number of women in tech in NYC. Summer Guild is a program for recent high school graduates who will begin a CUNY college in the fall.
and a presentation by WITNY Founding Program Director Judith Spitz to the July 25, 2016 Roosevelt Island Construction and Community Task Force meeting.
What are your ideas to help Roosevelt Island Seniors?