Good People Help Sick Passenger On F Train At Roosevelt Island Subway Station This Morning
The Twitterverse reports on a sick subway rider receiving assistance at Roosevelt Island F Train Station
this morning by fellow passengers including nurse getting on Train at Roosevelt Island.
I was on a southbound F train this morning and we're zooming along, being as comfortable as we can be on an extremely crowded train. I'm standing against the door in the middle of the car. Suddenly a hush comes over the crowd.— Brian (witty name here) (@brianspeaksnow) January 31, 2018
"Are you okay?"
I'm thinking, as is everyone else, "a sick passenger."— Brian (witty name here) (@brianspeaksnow) January 31, 2018
It's easy for you guys to lament the delays from sick passengers while you pose for dog filter selfies on your cracked-screen iPhone X but it's a different animal when you are right in the middle of the incident.
Meanwhile we're telling the others to use the intercom and tell the train crew what's going on. Despite the nonverbal instructions on how to use the intercom we had some difficulty but we all assisted and told the crew what they needed to know.— Brian (witty name here) (@brianspeaksnow) January 31, 2018
Luckily one of the passengers on the platform is a nurse. She asks to be let on, we let her. She asks him questions and she was able to determine he's a diabetic. People were asking others if they had food, water, orange juice. Some offered food.— Brian (witty name here) (@brianspeaksnow) January 31, 2018
The nurse accompanied the two as the man was placed on a bench while they waited for EMS to show up. This all took place over the course of 5 minutes and we were moving again, leaving the station sometime after 850.— Brian (witty name here) (@brianspeaksnow) January 31, 2018
I hope the guy got the help he needed.
It's easy to feel disconnected to sick customer incidents when they happen when you're not around. But it's a totally different situation when you're literally witnessing it happen in real time.— Brian (witty name here) (@brianspeaksnow) January 31, 2018
But it was really great to see people banding together helping him.
As Great Big Sea sings, Good PeopleWe're a decent lot. We're good people.— Brian (witty name here) (@brianspeaksnow) January 31, 2018
are all around us.