Scenes From Yesterday's NYC First Roosevelt Island STEM Center Open House - Future STEM Programs For Roosevelt Island Community Including Kids And Adults May Be Coming
... NYC First will be taking space in Roosevelt Landings temporarily. NYC First runs educational programming related to STEM including robotics classes and competitions for youth. They will be in our space through the spring when they will take a permanent space in the Cornell Tech campus....Yesterday, NYC First hosted a STEM Center Open House,
inviting Roosevelt Island residents
of all ages
to learn about
robotics, 3d printing and more at the new STEM Center.
NYC First CEO Michael Zigman welcomed Roosevelt Island residents describing the new facility as:
... This space is the first of what we hope to be many spaces across New York City. Kind of like a Maker Space. We have a broader vision of what it could be but this is our first.
We came to the Island for a bunch of reasons but the Cornell Tech relationship was an important one for us to put a stake in the ground here.
We want to do more with the community. We're trying to figure that out. We run programs at the High School Level, several high schools we're working with, but we want to think more expansively of working with the community around us - ideally kids and adults....
.. Bare with us as we're figuring it out. We got into this space in the last couple of months. We've been setting it up. It's just about set up. There are a a couple of pieces of machinery that we are still waiting on.
As soon as everything is in here, we can be a little more forward thinking in how to work with you all....
Take a tour of the NYC First Roosevelt Island STEM Center temporarily located on Main Street until it move to permanent home on Cornell Tech campus..
More info on NYC First programs available at their web site.