16 Year Old Roosevelt Island Girl Shoved To Ground On Main Street Saturday Afternoon By Emotionally Disturbed Homeless Man - PSD Places Man In Custody And NYPD Transports To Hospital
A Tipster reported last Monday:
So sometime Saturday afternoon, a young 16 year old girl was attacked on Main Street by a disturbed most likely homeless man. The young girl was accosted and thrown to the ground right in front of Nisi restaurant about 3 or 4 in the afternoon.I asked Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Department (PSD) Chief Jack McManus and Public Information Officer Alonza Robertson what happened.
According to this summary of the PSD Incident Report:
While walking past 605 Main Street at at about 4:30 PM Saturday February 3, a Roosevelt Island 16 year old girl was threatened by a homeless man and shoved in the chest causing her to fall to the ground.Here's the man
She went to the Public Safety Department to report the incident.
While speaking with the girl, PSD officers observed the man walking south on Main Street near Nisi and approached him at which point the man became irate, spit at the PSD officers and refused to obey verbal commands to stop.
The PSD Officers attempted to place the man in custody. The man resisted flailing his arms and refused to be handcuffed.
After continuing to resist, the officers used spray on the man who was then handcuffed and taken to PSD holding cell.
NYPD 114 precinct officers and an Emergency Medical Service team arrived. The man became irate again and spit at the NYPD officers.
The man was evaluated as being Emotionally Disturbed and transported to Cornell Hospital by NYPD.
At the time of transport, the victim did not report any physical injuries.
Later, the victim's parent reported to PSD that the girl had sustained bruising and substantial pain to her lower back as a result of being shoved to the ground.
being taken into custody by PSD.
The Public Safety Daily Report (published on sidebar) listed the incident as follows:
02/03/18 – 1634 – 549 Main St – Aided – PSSD/NYPD/EMS responded – Aided was transported to the hospital.