Roosevelt Island Girl Scouts Celebrate World Thinking Day By Joining With iDig2Learn Earth Love Challenge - How Do Our Choices Impact The Earth?
Roosevelt Island Junior Girl Scout Troop 3001 Leader Aiesha Eleusizov reports:
Girl Scouts World Thinking Day pairs up with iDig2Learn's Earth Love Challenge.
Every year on February 22nd, Girl Scouts and Girl Guides across the world celebrate World Thinking Day. Celebrated since 1926, it’s a chance for girls in 150 countries to celebrate together by raising awareness and speaking out on global issues that affect them. Each year a theme is identified. The theme for 2018 World Thinking Day is Impact.
This year’s World Thinking Day theme, Impact, is a perfect fit for iDig2Learn's Earth Love Challenge.
Show Your Earth Love This February
Nearly every choice we make has an impact. The iDig2Learn Earth Love Challenge this February is to Think about our choices and the impact of those choices on the Earth. Whether we bring our own reusable water bottles, check out books from the library, take mass transportation or compost, we all make choices that impact the Earth. The first step is awareness and knowing what impact each action has. For example, if you knew that a single plastic bag can take up to 500 years or longer to degrade you might choose to bring a reusable bag or use biodegradable bags.
So, as many celebrate their love for each other this February, iDig2Learn's founder, Christina Delfico asks, "What if all that love was directly towards Earth?" Every day the Earth gives us so much, air to breath, water to drink, land to feed us, what if we expressed our Earth Love proudly?
Pairing up with the Girl Scouts in Troop 3001 who accepted the challenge, they met and spoke about impact and choices. Alongside Christina Delfico and Girl Scout leaders Aiesha Eleusizov, Yitza Martinez and Ann Mascia more than 20 Girl Scouts showed their Earth Love by creating green, blue and yellow colored hearts to symbolize the colors of land, water and sun.
Each heart was then designed to include ways they are kind to the Earth. Many included reuse, saying no to plastic straws and planting trees as ways they reduce negative impact. One Girl Scout shared her creative reuse concept stating, “I have a small business where I take old bags of junk food and old boxes and make them into pencil cases, purses, coin purses, and notebooks respectively,” says sixth grade Girl Scout Naomi.
She proudly displayed a spiral bound notebook with the covers created out of old Girl Scout cookie boxes. They were beautiful, stylish and colorful and a great way to create a new life for items destined for disposable, avoiding what is often considered the last resort, recycling, by reusing those materials.
All of these Valentines to the Earth are on display in the iDig2Learn windows on Main Street.
And both the Girl Scouts and iDig2Learn invite you to Think about your impact and express your Earth Love using the hashtags #Earthlove #ThisIsImpact #WTD2018. Your choices matter.
If you need helping planning your #WorldThinkingDay events for girls of all ages, check out these resources: #WTD2018— Girl Scouts (@girlscouts) February 12, 2018