Roosevelt Island Easter Services At St Francis Xavier Cabrini and Hope Church
Roosevelt Island Easter services are being held at St Francis Xavier Cabrini Church (504 Main Street)
and Hope Roosevelt Island Covenant Church.
According to Roosevelt Island Hope Church Pastor Dan Sadlier
Hope Church Easter Weekend 2018No info about Easter Service at Church of the Good Shepherd.
You are invited to join neighbors, friends, and family for Hope Churches annual Easter Celebration. Pick from one of two identical services (11:30AM and 1PM) on Sunday April 1st, for an hour of music, teaching, some good laughs, and a chance to celebrate the holiday with those from the neighborhood and city. Both services will be held at 543 Main Street. There will be a free community-wide meal immediately following the 1PM service. In addition you are welcome to join us for additional Easter week gatherings
- Good Friday Service | Friday March 30th @ 7:30PM | 543 Main Street (lower level)
- Egg Hunt | Saturday March 31st @ 11AM | Firefighters Park (Register: )
- Easter Celebration | April 1st @ 11:30AM and 1PM | 543 Main Street (community-wide meal after the 1PM)
Dayspring Church info here (851 Main Street, behind Octagon building).