Friday, September 7, 2018

Chabad Of Roosevelt Island Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur High Holiday 2018 - 5779 Schedule, L'Shanah Tova

The Chabad Of Roosevelt Island wish their Roosevelt Island friends and neighbors a happy, healthy and Sweet New Year. Below is the Chabad of Roosevelt Island Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur High Holidays schedule.


All programs and prayers will be held at The Roosevelt Island Community Cultural Center, Renwick Room & Lighthouse Room - 548 Main Street.

Click HERE to make a donation

To dedicate a Machzor click HERE


Rosh Hashanah Eve, Sunday, Sept. 9

6:57pm Candlelighting

7:30pm Maariv, evening prayers

8:00pm “The Tastes of the New Year”

Rosh Hashanah First Day, Monday, Sept. 10

10:00am Shacharis and children’s program

11:30am Shofar followed by light Kiddush and Tashlich

Shofar House calls available

6:30pm Community Rosh Hashanah Dinner (RSVP)*

AFTER 7:54pm Candlelighting

8:00pm Maariv*

Rosh Hashanah Second Day, Tuesday, Sept. 11

10:00am Shacharis and children’s program

11:30am Shofar followed by Kiddush

Shofar House calls available

6:30pm Mincha followed by Farbrengen (RSVP)*

7:53pm Havdallah and Rosh Hashanah ends

* At 425 Main Street

Yom Kippur eve, Tuesday, September 18

6:45pm Kol Nidrei and evening prayers

(candle lighting is at 6:42pm – if you are coming to Shul, please try to come a few minutes early to light there, or light a few minutes early at home)

Yom Kippur day, Wednesday, September 19
10:00am Shacharis and Children’s Program
11:30am Yizkor
Mincha – to be determined
6:30pm Neilah
7:30pm Shofar blowing
7:39pm Break fast and light snack.
Click here for more info on Chabad Of Roosevelt Island.

La Shana Tova.