Roosevelt Island Jewish Congregation Invites Neighbors To Celebrate Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur High Holiday Services - Meet New Rabbi Joel Shaiman
According to the Roosevelt Island Jewish Congregation (RIJC):
RIJC President Nina Lublin adds:
... RIJC is an egalitarian, progressive, friendly and fun synagogue founded in 1976. Our congregation is dedicated to providing Jewish spiritual support and renewed Jewish knowledge to all who seek it, as well as a strong Jewish community in and for the neighborhood.
Everyone in the community is welcome to join us at our High Holiday, Shabbat and Festival Services and social events. Our members include singles and couples, seniors and families with young children, people of many national origins and religious backgrounds....
More info about RIJC available at their web site and here's a message from new RIJC Rabbi Joel Shaiman.Image Of Ms. Lublin and Rabbi Joel Shaiman
Our New Year & holidays are here at last.
We look forward to the next few days as our new Rabbi, Joel Shaiman, leads our Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur services in our Sanctuary at the Cultural Center. This is our great opportunity to reflect & renew, soul search & celebrate. Many of you have already met Rabbi Joel. These next few days are your opportunity to welcome him and his family to our RIJC family & community. Additional High Holy Day information is available on our website,
Our schedule:
Rosh Hashanah
Sunday, September 9th at 7:30 pm - Evening Service
Monday September 10th at 9:30 am - Morning Service
Children's Service at 11 am in the Theatre
Tashlich at 1:15 pm at the Meditation Steps (time approximate)
Tuesday September 11th at 9:30 am - Morning Service
Yom Kippur
Tuesday, September 18th at 6:30 pm sharp -- Kol Nidrei
Wednesday September 19th
9:15 am -- Morning Service
11:00 am Children's Service in the Theatre
5:00 pm -- Afternoon Service w. Ne'ilah & Havdalah
7:39 pm -- Blowing of the Shofar & End of Fast
All Services are held in the Sanctuary at the RI Cultural Center (548 Main Street). Child Care will be available in the Classroom each day.
There is no evening service on September 10th.
The Staircase entrance to the Cultural Center is through the Breezeway next to 540 Main & down the Red Staircase. The Elevator entrance is accessed through the Breezeway at 556 Main, then turning right to the double doors behind the Public Safety office. Press the white button for the doors to open & take the elevator down to 1. Directional signage will be posted.
To those of you who have already made donations, renewed your membership or joined the RIJC for the first time, Thank You. Your thoughtful & generous financial support is most welcome & appreciated right now. Please use the PayPal link at or send your check made out to the Roosevelt Island Jewish Congregation, to RIJC P.O.Box 241 Island Station. New York, NY 10044.
La Shana Tova.