Wednesday, September 5, 2018

RIOC Public Safety Chief Reports On Roosevelt Island End Of Summer Feel Good Event - Volunteers Organize Back To School Education & Exercise Event At Lighthouse Park For Local Kids And Hope To Do More In Future

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Department Chief Jack McManus reports:

This past Saturday, 9/1/18, an event was held in Lighthouse Park that can best be described as the Feel Good Event of the summer. Adrian Gordon and Brandon Atangana,

friends who grew up together on Roosevelt Island and representing Rich Bloc Records and Entertainment LLC, sponsored the event. The event was described as an Education and Exercise event for Island youngsters and a giveback to the community. An estimated 50 youngsters of elementary school age, were given knapsacks for school

along with pencils, rulers, sharpeners and other school items to prepare them the opening of school this week. Additionally, the youngsters received instruction in exercise programs(Adrian is a Personal Trainer at Equinox Fitness), and participated in relay races, steal the bacon, and other healthy games. The smiles on the kids’ faces throughout the event said it all.

Assisting Adrian and Brandon in running the event were some 15-20 friends/volunteers – Denis E. Debranched, Joel T. Strickland, Javon Perry, and Kevin Hawkins; some who still live on the Island.

A few of the guys are active in the military. By the way, the volunteers all had smiles on their faces as well. Parents of some of the guys were there as well helping and supporting the effort, supplying the youngsters with healthy food like fruit and juice.

I am so glad I went down to the event. The effort of all of these guys was beyond impressive. We clearly need more events like this on the Island and Adrian and Brandon and friends are anxious to have more. The Public Safety Department is also committed to assist in any way we can in any future events.