Roosevelt Island 2018 Public Purpose Grants Community Review Process October 21 & 25 - Up To $150 Thousand Available To 10 Local Non Profit Groups, Public Invited To Attend
The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Purpose Grants community review process begins tomorrow, October 21. According to RIOC:
Roosevelt Island Non-Profits Present Applications for Up to $150,000 in Public Grants Next WeekThe Presentation Schedule is as follows.
Each year, the RIOC Board of Directors approves the allocation of Public Purpose Funds to non-profit community organizations whose work benefits Roosevelt Island residents, enhances their quality of life, health or environment.
The annual fund awards – up to $150,000 total in 2018 - are recommended by the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) and are expected to be approved by the Board at its December 13 meeting.
The non-profits organizations will be making their presentations to the RIRA Public Purpose Funds Committee this Monday, October 22 at 7 p.m. and Thursday, October 25 at 7:30 p.m. at the Good Shepherd Community Center, 543 Main Street. These presentations are open to the public.
For the presentation schedule and the list of the organizations that have applied, click here.
October 22, 2018RIOC adds:
7:00 PM - PS/IS 217M Parent-Teacher Association
7:30 PM - Life Frames
8:00 PM - Open Space Institute (IDig2Learn)
8:30 PM - Island Kids
9:00 PM - Roosevelt Island Disabled Association
Presentations will conclude at 9:30 PM
October 25, 2018
Presentations will begin at 7:30 PM
7:30 PM - Carter Burden Network
8:00 PM - Roosevelt Island Historical Society
8:30 PM - Main Street Theatre and Dance Alliance
9:00 PM - Roosevelt Island Visual Art Association
9:30 PM - Wildlife Freedom Foundation
Public Purpose Grants first became available after the construction of Manhattan Park in 1989, when New York State allowed the fund to be established in lieu of the developers paying sales tax on construction materials. The RIOC Board of Directors approves the allocation of these funds yearly based upon the recommendation of the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA). Not-for-profit community organizations are welcome to apply for a Public Purpose Grant by following the application process below.The 2017 Roosevelt Island Public Purpose Grants were as follows (rationales for award amount at link):
Public Purpose Grants should be allocated to benefit Roosevelt Island residents, enhancing their quality of life through education, artistic and cultural enrichment, improved health, or a better environment.
Additional Information about can be found in the Public Purpose Grant Procedures
- PS/IS 217 Parent Teachers Association (PTA) - Amount Requested: $22,500 Amount Recommended: $15,000,
- Life Frames, Inc. - Amount Requested: $19,900 Amount Recommended: $4,000,
- Wildlife Freedom Foundation (WFF) - Amount Requested: $5,000 Amount Recommended: $5,000,
- Roosevelt Island Visual Arts Association (RIVAA) - Amount Requested: $42,000 Amount Recommended: $11,800,
- Roosevelt Island Historical Society (RIHS), Amount Requested: $32,000 Amount Recommended: $12,000,
- Island Kids - Amount Requested: $20,000 Amount Recommended: $15,000,
- Main Street Theater and Dance Alliance - Amount Requested: $35,000 Amount Recommended: $18,000,
- Roosevelt Island Swimming (Marlins) - Amount Requested: $11,637.50 Amount Recommended: $1200,
- Roosevelt Island Disabled Association (RIDA) - Amount Requested: $18,000 Amount Recommended: $18,000.