Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Roosevelt Island Holiday Food & Clothing Giveaway For Your Neighbors In Need - Please Help, Donations Can Be Dropped Off This Week At Senior Center

 Roosevelt Island Disabled Association President Wendy Hersh reports:

The RI Disabled Association along with the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) & the Carter Burden Senior Center will be sponsoring a food and clothing giveaway for those IN NEED!

Friday December 21st at Roosevelt Island Senior Center 546 Main Street 6pm-9pm

Donation of cans, jars and packaged food are welcome. They can be dropped off at the Senior Center on Wednesday and Friday all day or Thursday after 1pm. If you need a pickup, please email Wendy Hersh at whersh@nyc.rr.com
Ms Hersh adds:
Since Pay It Forward was not able to give food boxes to the needy this year due to unforeseen circumstances, I felt as President of RI Disabled Association that we needed to step up to do something since there are so many in need in our community.

It’s just our part of helping those in need. Of course not to the extent of what we did with Pay It Forward, but it’s something.