Thursday, December 20, 2018

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Chief McManus Taking Time Off For Health Related Reason Says RIOC - Best Wishes For A Speedy Return

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Information Officer Alonza Robertson reports:

RIOC Public Safety Department Chief Jack McManus is taking time off, beginning this week, to deal with health-related issues.

In the interim, Deputy Chief Kevin Brown will assume McManus’ responsibilities and RIOC asks the community and RIOC staff to work with him accordingly.
Chief McManus, pictured below, (second from right with RIOC President Susan Rosenthal and PSD Officers)

and seen in this video from Roosevelt Island Tree Lighting Ceremony

is very well regarded by the community for his professionalism and open door policy for residents as well as his involvement with youth sports.

Best wishes for a speedy return to Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department Chief McManus.