Carter Burden Roosevelt Island Senior Center Chorus Forming With 92 St Y Vocal Department - Meet Weekly To Sing Your Favorite Broadway Show Tunes, Standards & More
The Carter Burden Roosevelt Island Senior Center i(546 Main Street) invites you to join the newly formed Roosevelt Island Senior Center Chorus:
Join 92nd Street Y School of Music’s Chair of the Vocal Department, Ann Hoyt, for the Roosevelt Island Senior Center Chorus starting Tuesday 2/19 and Wednesday 2/20, 12:30 – 2:30 pm. Groups will meet weekly for 15 sessions in a fun and relaxed setting to learn and rehearse your favorite Broadway hits, show tunes, standards and more. No experience necessary, only a love of music and an enthusiastic voice! Don’t have a voice? It doesn’t matter: come for the fun!!
•Tuesday 2/19, 12:30 – 2:30 pm, 15 Sessions. Final concert 6/4, 1:30 pm
•Wednesday 2/20, 12:30 – 2:30 pm, 15 sessions. Final concert 6/5, 1:30 pm
The class is sponsored by the 92 ST Y but will take place at the senior center. No registration is required. People can just walk-in.