Tuesday, February 5, 2019

More Than 5 Years And Counting, Drivers Continue To Ignore Roosevelt Island Stop Signs - Residents Ask RIOC To Do Something About Problem

In August 2017, Roosevelt Island Resident Scott Piro reported:

I shot this video at 7:30am EDT on Wed, Aug 23, 2017. You can see about half the northbound traffic completely disregard the stop sign, while the other half at least applies brakes and slows down somewhat (without coming to full stop).

The concern is those who breeze through the stop sign without any braking at all. Let's install a camera there that captures their behavior - and their license plate info in order to mail them a traffic violation/ticket. Other ideas include stationing a Public Safety officer just beyond the intersection to do the same function. And, installing a speed bump could be very effective.

This was a random video I captured. I sit on the Tennis Association bench in front of this stop sign every weekday morning around this time. I have observed much more egregious violations, I assure you - where car after car after car ignores the stop sign and speeds through without any attempt to even slow down a little. This was a relatively tame example I captured this time on video.

Let's install one or more mechanisms to modify the traffic behavior we are seeing here constantly.

This is part of a series of traffic dangers present around the Octagon building.
Today, the Roosevelt Island Twitterverse shows drivers continue to ignore the Stop Signs:

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp responds:

In December 2017,  RIOC President Susan Rosenthal said that the Public Safety Department was going to start to use radar equipment to address the speeding problems on Roosevelt Island

and in April 2018, RIOC President Susan Rosenthal reported:
... Radar Speed Signs

Radar speed signs, also known as driver feedback signs, are designed to slow down speeding drivers by alerting them of their, speed. They are being used across the country and in the past week, you might have noticed that two have been installed here on Roosevelt Island; one near Coler Memorial Hospital and the other near the Cornell Tech loop. The signs are mobile and can be moved to different locations throughout the Island as needed.

We remind everyone that the Island-wide speed limit is 15 miles per hour. Please slow down; speeding is hazardous to yourself, other motorists and pedestrians. Island speed limits will be monitored and enforced by the Public Safety Department....
Enforcement of traffic laws are needed here.

UPDATE - Another view on the Roosevelt Island traffic stop signs and reply: