Roosevelt Island Transportation This Weekend - Good News, 2nd Weekend In Row Of Roosevelt Island F Train Service To And From Manhattan - Starting Next Week Only 1 Tram Cabin Running For At Least 10 Weeks
According to the MTA, there will be Roosevelt Island F Train service this weekend.
As previously reported, due to the Tram Overhaul project starting second week of February and continuing for at least 10 weeks with only one Tram Cabin operating:
... RIOC officials received assurances that there will be no disruptions to the subway’s F Train line that services Roosevelt Island, including weekends through April 19.Both Tram Cabins operating at full capacity this weekend.
Additional service will be provided via the E Train line, weeknights March 18 – March 22 and March 25 – March 29; and all four weekends March 23 – April 25.....
There is Roosevelt Island ferry service on the Astoria Route. Here's the Winter Schedule for Roosevelt Island ferry service.