Monday, February 4, 2019

Saturday Morning Roosevelt Island Peace And Quiet Disrupted By Loud Jackhammer Construction Noise From Hudson Related Affordable Housing Building Site - Resident Asks Why Work Is Allowed On Weekend?

For many people, the weekend is a time for a little bit of peace and quiet, especially early in the morning.

But for at least the last 2 Saturdays, the peace and quiet of some Roosevelt Island residents in Southtown was disturbed by the sounds of loud jackhammers at the Hudson Related Riverwalk 8 affordable housing building construction site (460 Main Street).

A Roosevelt Island resident reported Saturday, February 2:

Loud construction is normally not allowed in NYC on weekends. However, the new construction site has been jackhammering away all Saturday morning. How is this allowed? Our concierge seems to think RIOC is responsible. It’s really, really noisy!
In response to my inquiry, Roosevelt Island Operating Corp President Susan Rosenthal (RIOC) replied:
I’ll be happy to look into this.
According to the NYC Department of Buildings:
You can report a building construction violation.

The Department of Buildings allows for construction Monday to Friday between 7 AM and 6 PM. Construction done without an approved variance on weekends or on weekdays before 7 AM or after 6 PM is not allowed. Owners of one- or two-family homes may make alterations or repairs on Saturday and Sunday from 10 AM to 4 PM if their home is more than 300 feet from a house of worship.
And, a Saturday work variance for January 26 and February 2 was obtained by Monadnock Construction for 460 Main Street Riverwalk Building 8.

According to the permit the reason for Saturday work variance was Public Safety to conduct excavation and foundation work - hazardous conditons.

As of today, no additional permits have been issues for Saturday work.

You can report a NYC building construction complaint here and let RIOC know as well.

I've asked Hudson Related for comment and will update when more info received.

UPDATE 3:55 PM - A Hudson Related representative replies:
Contrary to the resident’s comment below, construction activity on Saturdays in NYC is actually pretty typical.