Roosevelt Island Octagon Sports Field Construction Update, Lighthouse Bridge Repair, Sportspark Design, Motorgate, Tram Track Rope & Gift Of Art Sculpture (Giant Dollar Sign) Among Items On February 21 RIOC Operations Committee Meeting Agenda
The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Operations Advisory Committee is meeting tomorrow, February 21.
According to RIOC:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a meeting of the Operations Advisory Committee of the RIOC Board of Directors will be held on Thursday, February 21, 2019 at 5:00 P.M. at RIOC Capital Planning and Projects Office, 680 Main Street, Roosevelt Island, New York.My understanding is that the art sculpture gift is a large 30 foot statue of a Dollar Bill sited on land next to Octagon Field near the Tom Otterness Marriage of Real Estate and Money sculptures in East River.
5:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.:
Chair’s Motion for Executive Session to Discuss:
a. Pending Litigation
b. Vendor’s Performance under the Contract Financial History of Corporation
6:00 P.M.:
1. Gift of Art Sculpture
2. Landscaping Request for Proposal
3. Lighthouse Bridge Repair (Emergency)
4. Tram Track Rope Project
5. Octagon Field Construction award
6. Sportspark Design Request for Proposal
7. Blackwell House Interior Restoration for Saratoga Associates Change Order 4 & 5
8. Motorgate Assessment and Graphics - Lawrence Group
9. Any Other Committee Business that May be Brought Before the Committee
The Open Meetings Law of the State of New York requires that all public bodies conduct meetings, convened for the purpose of officially conducting public business, in a manner open to attendance by the general public to observe and listen.
More on the Octagon Field closure and community protest at prior post.