Monday, April 8, 2019

You're Invited To Queer, There And Everywhere - Stories About LGBTQ History Makers By Author Sarah Prager Presented By Roosevelt Island NY Public Library, RIOC And MST&DA Tuesday April 9

According to the NY Public Library Roosevelt Island branch:

Stonewall 50: Queer, There, and Everywhere: LGBTQ History-Makers

Tuesday, April 9, 2019, 7:15 p.m

World history has been made by countless LGBTQ individuals—and you’ve never heard of many of them. Queer author and activist Sarah Prager joins us to share the stories of people who fought, created, and loved on their own terms. From high-profile figures like Eleanor Roosevelt to the trailblazing gender-ambiguous Queen of Sweden, these astonishing true stories uncover a rich heritage that encompasses every culture, in every era.

This program will be held at the Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance at 548 Main Street. Refreshments will be served!

This program is presented as a partnership between the New York Public Library, the Roosevelt Island Youth Center, and the Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance.
The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp adds:

More info about the author and book available at Ms Prager's web site and

this video.