Friday, September 13, 2019

Does It Say NO U TURN or TURN U NO - New Roosevelt Island Main Street Traffic Markings Confusing To Some Local Drivers

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) recently announced the long needed re-striping of Main Street. According to RIOC:

Re-striping Main Street Completed

On September 4, 2019, Main Street not only received new traffic striping, but also new STOP signs stenciled on the asphalt. These improvements will not only make our roadways safer for pedestrians, but also for drivers. Everyone, including bicyclists, are expected to follow all traffic signs and commands from Public Safety Department (PSD) personnel.
RIOC also stenciled signage to indicate that No U Turns are allowed.

But as one Roosevelt Island Driver shows us with this picture, is the No U Turn street marking clear?


Am I the only one that sees a problem with this?
Here are a couple of other views of NO U Turn or Turn U NO Roosevelt Island Main Street markings?

What do you see - NO U TURN or TURN U NO?