Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Roosevelt Island Historical Society Lecture On Barren Island By Author Carol Zoreff Thursday September 12 At RI NYPL Branch - Learn Fascinating Story Of Family Living On Jamaica Bay Factory Island Long Ago Where Dead Horses Turned Into Glue

You're invited to join the Roosevelt Island Historical Society (RIHS) at the Roosevelt Island Public Library For Barren Island Book Lecture with author Carol Zoref.

According to the RIHS

AUTHOR CAROL ZOREF WILL DISCUSS HER NEW BOOK "BARREN ISLAND", the story of a family living in the factory island on Jamaica Bay. This is where the city's dead horses and other large animals were rendered into glue and fertilizer from the mid 19th century until the 1930's.

The Program will be at the Roosevelt Island Branch, NYPL, 524 Main Street, Thursday, September 12th at 6:30 p.m.

This program is sponsored by the RIHS in coordination with the NY Public Library.

All programs are free and open to the public!!!!!
Here's more on Barren Island and adjacent Dead Horse Bay.

Mark your calendar for the next round of public lecture events hosted by the RIHS on: February 13th, January 9th, December 12th, and November 14th. Stay tuned for more information about each program