Thursday, October 31, 2019

You're Invited To The Third Annual Great Roosevelt Island Pumpkin Smash Saturday November 2, Turning Halloween Waste Back To The Soil With NYC Compost Hosted By Big Reuse - Worm Demonstration, Win A Free Compost Pail, Leaf Crunching, NYPL Story Time & Lots More Family Fun, Pies, Cookies, Cake, & Coffee Too

The Great Roosevelt Island Pumpkin Smash

takes place again this year at the Manhattan Park lower lawn on Saturday November 2.

Roosevelt Island resident and iDig2Learn founder Christina Delfico reports:
Please don't let your Pumpkin haunt the landfill!

Breaking News: Food scraps are not trash and can be transformed into compost to amend our soil.

SAT 11/2/19 FREE Roosevelt Island Pumpkin Smash (Rain or Shine) 11am - 2pm, Manhattan Park Lower Lawn between buildings #20 & #30 River Road, Roosevelt Island. No RSVP needed.

Thanks to RIOC and partners NYC Compost Project Hosted by Big Reuse, Green Roosevelt Island Neighbors (GRIN), RI Garden Club, iDig2Learn and the Girl Scouts, Roosevelt Islanders have diverted more than 100,000 pounds of food scraps by dropping them off each Saturday from 9am to 2pm in the green bins next to the farmers market.

And thanks to Big Reuse we celebrate a smashing good time once again at Pumpkin Smash 2019 this Saturday 11/2 from 11am to 2pm on the lower lawn between MP's buildings # 20 and # 30, thanks to host Manhattan Park. RIOC and islanders love this event - it's free, it's for all ages, it's family-friendly and there will be pie, cookies, cake and coffee sponsored by partners NYC Ferry Operated by Hornblower plus a chance to win one of their 30-day NYC ferry pass.

And the Roosevelt Island Garden club will be on hosting the popular worm demonstration table, iDig2Learn will be offering chances to win free stylish kitchen compost pails, GRIN will be on there as the local compost ambassador hosting leaf crunching and smashing. Ms. Jen from the NYPL Roosevelt Island branch will be hosting story time at 11am and the Girl Scouts will be there to help us have fun as they support sustainability.

Last year we diverted nearly 1,000 pounds of pumpkins and gourds - let's beat that record this year and get that wet waste out of AVAC and our buildings.

This event is truly a blast and hits home the concept that organic food scraps are not garbage. Partner NYC Compost Hosted by Big Reuse will collect all pumpkin bits and process them locally into compost close by under the Queensboro bridge. That compost comes back to our neighborhood to amend our soil. Rain or Shine we will see you at the Smash! #Pumpkinsmash2019
Here are some scenes from 2017 Roosevelt Island Pumpkin Smash

and Ms Delfico tells us more from the 2017 Roosevelt Island Pumpkin Smash.

More info an pictures from the 2017 Roosevelt Island Pumpkin Smash at this prior post.