Thursday, November 7, 2019

Speeding Cars Race Down Roosevelt Island East Promenade Street Yesterday Afternoon - One Loses Control Slamming Into And Crashing Through Southpoint Park Gate

A Roosevelt Island tipster reported yesterday that two cars were speeding in what appeared to be a race down the East Promenade South Loop Road next to the Cornell Tech campus when one car lost control, slammed into

and crashing through the Southpoint Park East gate

yesterday afternoon at about 2:30 PM missing a pedestrian by a few seconds.

Yesterday, I asked the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):
Any info on two cars speeding and crashing into Southpoint Park today...

Were there any injuries or arrests?
RIOC Spokesperson Terrence McCauley replied:
There were no injuries in the car crash.

The vehicle with 3 occupants under the age of 18 lost control while traveling south on East Loop Road and crashed into the gate. One of the sections of the fence was damaged. Again, no injuries or arrests.
UPDATE 5:10 PM - According to the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Incident report:
11/06/19 – 1446 – 50 Main St – Vehicle Accident – PSD/EMS/NYPD responded – Referred to NYPD - Aided transported to the hospital
.I asked Mr. McCauley:
I'm told there were 2 cars racing on road before crash into gate. Is that true. Why were there no tickets given or arrests?

Were they Roosevelt island residents

... someone was taken to hospital due to the car crash.
He replied:
They must have been transported out of an abundance of caution and the report updated after I got back to you. The NYPD investigated the accident and determined that a summons for speeding was not warranted. The NYPD issued a summons for driving without a license, but no one was arrested.

None of them were residents.