McManus Field Flood Lights Shining Into Roosevelt Island Manhattan Park Apartment All Night Says Resident, RIOC Replies Problem Fixed Today - But Rivercross Resident Has Same Nighttime Light Pollution Problem With Rockefeller University Across East River And No Response So far
A Roosevelt Island resident tweeted today about lights at McManus Park soccer field being left on overnight and shining through his apartment window at 5 am.
Dear @RIOCny can you please turn the lights off on the field overnight. The timers seem to not be working and who wants the flood lights in their windows all night. @Rooseveltisland this is what it looked like at 0500 this morning.— Stevie White (@arj2002) November 7, 2019
I asked the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) about matter and RIOC Spokesperson Terrence McCauley replied:
We had a problem with the timing mechanism and have fixed the problem this afternoon. We will have staff on site late this evening to make sure there are no other problems. We remind all residents that if they see a problem or a concern, they can easily report it via our Occupant Help Center at . If it is an emergency, they can contact PSD at 212-832-4545.and RIOC tweeted
Thank you for the help.— Stevie White (@arj2002) November 7, 2019
A Rivercross resident has a similar nighttime lighting problem with Rockefeller University across the East River and writes seeking help:
Regarding the linked project..., why do you never turn the lights off at night? I live on Roosevelt Island and have to endure your light pollution nightly.Have not hear back from Rockefeller University on their light pollution problem - hopefully they'll fix problem as quickly as RIOC has in this case today.
I watch as rooms close, no one is in them, and the lights stay on, interior and exterior lights. It isn't green of you. And it hurts the eyes of many hundreds, probably several 1000 people here. My bedroom faces your building. If you don't believe me, I'd like to invite you to dinner to see for yourself.