Roosevelt Island F Train Service To And From Manhattan This Weekend,- Wear Mask On Tram, Red Bus & All Public Transportation, Stay Home Unless You're Providing An Essential Service Or An Emergency During Coronavirus Pandemic
Hello, everyone.— NYCT Subway. Stay Home. Stop the Spread. (@NYCTSubway) April 15, 2020
We're continuing to operate MTA Essential Service. If that changes, we will let you know.
We're running as many trains as we can with the crews available, but please plan extra travel time.
Check status on your line here or at
According to the MTA, there will be Roosevelt Island F Train service to and from Manhattan this weekend.
We’re listening to experts like Dr. @Craig_A_Spencer— MTA. Stay Home. Stop the Spread. (@MTA) April 7, 2020
You should too.
Do your part: Stay home. Keep trains and buses clear for the essential workers who need them most. #HeroesMovingHeroes
The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) adds:
Red Buses will continue to run on a Weekend Schedule and the Trams will continue to operate as normal until further notice.Here's the NYC Ferry Roosevelt Island Astoria Route Schedule.
According to Executive Order 202.7, as of 8 p.m. on Friday, April 17, 2020 any individual who can medically tolerate a face-covering must cover their nose and mouth with a mask or cloth when a) in a public place and b) unable to observe proper social distancing guidelines. This includes all forms of public transportation, including the Tram.
Riders are now required to wear a face-covering while riding NYC Ferry. Please protect yourself, our crews, and other riders by covering your face and always maintaining a 6-foot distance from others. #NYCFerry— NYC Ferry (@NYCferry) April 17, 2020