Friday, April 24, 2020

Roosevelt Island F Train Service To And From Manhattan This Weekend,- Wear Mask On Tram, Red Bus & All Public Transportation, Stay Home Unless You're Providing An Essential Service Or An Emergency During Coronavirus Pandemic

According to the MTA, there will be Roosevelt Island F Train service to and from Manhattan this weekend.

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) adds:
Red Buses will continue to run on a Weekend Schedule and the Trams will continue to operate as normal until further notice.

According to Executive Order 202.7, as of 8 p.m. on Friday, April 17, 2020 any individual who can medically tolerate a face-covering must cover their nose and mouth with a mask or cloth when a) in a public place and b) unable to observe proper social distancing guidelines. This includes all forms of public transportation, including the Tram.
Here's the NYC Ferry Roosevelt Island Astoria Route Schedule.