Friday, August 28, 2020

More Roosevelt Island Covid 19 Restart - Mosaic Church In Person Worship For Up To 30 Persons Begins Sunday August 30 At Good Shepherd Chapel Says Pastor Dan Sadlier

Roosevelt Islands Mosaic Church Pastor Dan Sadlier reports:

Since March, Mosaic Church (formally Hope Church Roosevelt Island) has been meeting digitally through multiple online platforms.

Weekly you can find the "Mosaic Kids" digital program happening every Sunday morning at 10AM via zoom. Each week one can expect music, fun competitions, age appropriate teaching, and a chance for children to connect with their peers and leaders who invest regularly in the youth on and around Roosevelt Island. You can register your children for the weekly digital experience at

In addition, Mosaic church has hosted their regular Sunday weekly worship service with teaching, music, and a post service virtual lobby to help allow congregants to see each other face to face at 11:30AM. You can watch services on Facebook Live, Insta TV, or on their interactive platform where you can chat with other viewers and request prayer at

Both of these online digital services will continue to be offered to those living on and around Roosevelt Island as a regular part of our Mosaic Church NYC ministry. However, in addition Mosaic Church NYC begins their slow and cautious in person re-gathering strategy this Sunday, August 30th at Good Shepherd Chapel (543 Main Street)

This Sunday, Mosaic Church Roosevelt Island will host their first in-person worship gathering at 11:30AM.

Here is what one can expect:
  • 30 people will be allowed to attend in person gatherings during this first iteration of reopening. You must register online at
  • Masks will be worn by congregants and leaders (unless a leader or pastor is distanced from congregants and on stage for the purpose of communicating/teaching)
  • Social distancing requirements will be required through intentional ushering/seating
  • The Mosaic host team will be doing temperature checks.
  • Children are welcome to attend our 11:30AM gathering woth their families, but age appropriate Mosaic Kids programming will happen digitally at 10AM.
Mosaic leadership understands that neighbors will have different timelines for when they are ready to engage in person with the local church community. This is why both in person and digital experiences will happen simultaneously. Yet, as the Mosaic leadership has continued to watch COVID case numbers plateau, as they have consulted with RIOC public safety, and have listened to government guidance, Mosaic Pastors do believe that it is important to cautiously begin the regathering process this Sunday.

One can reserve their spot at