Saturday, August 15, 2020

What Happened To Social Distancing On Roosevelt Island Tram? Way Too Crowded Cabin Today, Irresponsible And Dangerous Say Residents - Give Priority Tram Access To Residents And Workers Suggested

AS previously reported, according to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):

Tram Passenger Limits

As the region begins to reopen and more people return to work, the tram will have more riders. The tram operator has the discretion to allow an increase in the stated thirteen passenger limit based on conditions at a given time. If you feel a tram car is too crowded, we encourage you to wait for the next one. If you see an unsafe condition, please notify a the tram operator or a Public Safety Officer or call PSD directly at 212-832-4545.
Yesterday afternoon, passengers were maintaining social distance while waiting for the Tram at the Roosevelt Island station.

But today:
Crowded Roosevelt Island Tran cabin this afternoon. Tram operator has discretion to allow more than 13 passenger social distance capacity limit but this seems too many people. Mostly visitors.

Comments from Roosevelt Island residents:
  • Way to many !
  • That’s not good
  • so upsetting. i can’t believe this is allowed.
  • Anecdotally, mask wearing here is worse than in Manhattan. People come here on the tram and immediately remove their masks. We don’t do that when we do essential errands in Manhattan. (I do think residents here wear masks at a much higher rate.)
  • Seems unsafe.
  • This is irresponsible and dangerous! Not acceptable!
  • Perhaps giving residents a special lane would be advisable. Afford priority access to those who live and work here. Sort of a "Fast Pass" system.
UPDATE 8/17: