Thursday, February 11, 2021

Cousins Maine Lobster Food Truck Returning To Roosevelt Island Monday February 15 With Permit From RIOC For A Spot At Tram Plaza - Location Selected By RIOC Due To Winter Weather Conditions

Long lines of Roosevelt Island residents greeted the Cousins Maine Lobster Food Truck on a frigid Saturday morning last January 9. 

As reported that day:

Unfortunately, about 45 minutes after the Food Truck began serving hungry residents, the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Department ordered the Food Truck to shut down and leave Roosevelt Island. 

The reason for the PSD order was that the Food Truck did not have a Roosevelt Island Food Truck permit. The Cousins Main Lobster Food Truck operator had a NYC Food Truck permit but did not know they also needed a Roosevelt Island Food Truck permit.  

The good news is that Cousins Maine Lobster Food Truck will return to Roosevelt Island with a RIOC permit. According to the Food Truck operator:

...we will be in Roosevelt Island on Monday, February 15th, from 12-8pm, at the Tram Plaza Vending location.

I asked RIOC today:

Why is Cousins Maine Lobster Food Truck being located at the Tram Plaza on Monday? Is that the Vendor's choice or is it RIOC's choice? 

There are more convenient locations for residents to have the Food Truck. The Tram Plaza might be good for tourists but not for residents. 

In past years, Food Trucks were located on Main Street across from the Starbucks at 455 Main Street. See example here. 

Also, the Good Shepherd Plaza location used by Cousins Maine Lobster Food Truck last month at Good Shepherd Plaza is a very good spot and convenient for residents.. Any comment from RIOC regarding selection of location for the Lobster Food Truck? 

RIOC Public Information Officer Amy Smith replied:

During warmer months, we agree that other locations may be more convenient. Taking into consideration winter weather conditions, Tram Plaza offers the safest option.

The Cousins Maine Lobster Food Truck Operator added:

Location was allocated to us by RIOC. We requested the same location we were last but they didn't give it to us. I guess they wanted us to be somewhere that people could spread out and keep social distance, in regards to covid, and also away from other stores maybe? But that's just our guess.

We are very excited to be back too, even at this location. Hopefully, the weather will be good and residents will enjoy it.

All reports from those who were able to order food from the Cousins Maine Lobster Food Truck in January before it was shut down say that it was delicious.