Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Board Of Directors Meeting Tonight April 22 - Agenda Includes Public Purpose Fund Grants For Local Non Profit Organizations, Who Got Approved, Who Didn't, What Amount And Why?
The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board of Directors will meet 5:30 PM today, April 22, via video conference.
You can watch the Board meeting here and ask questions or share concerns about Roosevelt Island issues during the opening Public Session before the start of the meeting. Sign up to speak here.
Among the items on the Agenda are
... 3. Authorization of Public Purpose Grants Expenditure for FY 2021-22 (Board Action Required)...
According to the Board Materials for today's RIOC Board Directors meeting, RIOC has not approved the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) recommendations of Public Purpose Funds for Gallery RIVAA and NY Foundation for the Arts.
and memo for RIOC CFO John O'Reilly regarding Public Purpose Fund Grants.