Roosevelt Island Earth Love Day Saturday April 24 At Rivercross Lawn - You're Invited For Eco Friendly Activities And Education, Plogging, Composting, Pollinator Seeds & Gardening Plus Sustainable Giveaways
Engaged Roosevelt Island reports:
Hello Engaged Roosevelt Island Neighbors,Here's more on PloggingHappy Earth Day! We wanted to be sure you are aware of RIOC’s #EarthLove Day this Saturday, April 24th from 10 AM – 1 PM. at the Meditation Lawn adjacent to the Meditation Steps (south of Rivercross/501 Main St.) on Roosevelt Island.
Our own iDig2Learn will be hosting Plogging from 10am to Noon. Plogging originated in Sweden (Plocka och Jogga) and combines fresh air by getting neighbors outdoors to move either by jogging or walking to pick up litter. Limtied supply of reusable bags and gloves so please bring your own if you have them. (Coach Scot has been a terrific partner – and made the pilot program the success that it was. See the attached "thank you" flyer – what a wonderful event!)There will also be a free book exchange, used battery drop off and the updated Green Map of free eco-friendly resources on Roosevelt Island.Hope to see everyone there. Take care.