Monday, August 2, 2021

RISA Hosts Summerfest Celebration Last Saturday At Good Shepherd Plaza Joining Local Vendors And Organizations To Re-Imagine, Re-Purpose & Re-Design The Island - Upcoming Event Is Job Fair & Limitless Rack, We Need To Lock Hands Together To Better Our Community Says RISA VP

Last Saturday, the Roosevelt Island Seniors Association (RISA) hosted a Summerfest Community Celebration bringing local vendors and organizations to Good Shepherd Plaza. According to RISA Vice President Andrea Jackson:

.... We're attempting here today to bring the community together.  I really believe in joining together of people and upholding them, uplifting them, building them up, and not pulling them down.

We have such a wonderful wealth of knowledge and and talent on the Island. We need to expand on that and less on the things that are more negative . They're important and they do have their place but I think we have a wonderful community here and there's so much to learn and benefit from. 

We like to re-purpose, re-imagine re- design and that means all of the facets of Roosevelt Island. We need to think differently, we need to operate differently, we need to uphold each other, we need to lock hands together and build this wonderful community and put it in the place where it's supposed to be from the very beginning ....

... Most of our vendors are environmentally friendly. They're either re-purposing re-designing and re-using items but they're very good items.

We have Cornell Cafe who's giving out free goodies so you should come and get it. We also have iDig2Learn and they're also composting,  putting fruits, vegetables, everything from the earth back into the earth, that's where it belongs . We also have macrame that is naughty and nice and that is taking those things and creating other things out of it re-imagining again re-thinking what we're doing and re-designing things on the island. ...

 ... What we have upcoming next would be a job fair so we'll have about 15 different agencies and vendors so that we can help people develop home-based businesses so that if there is a time where they have to be at home or work from home or unemployed ...  this is an opportunity for you to garner all of that information.... 

We will also have the Limitless Rack that will be free clothing, shoes and accessories for those that want to do either a Zoom Skype or in-person interview that will be available for you here. Interviewing techniques, resume review this is stuff that we really need and I don't see that happening. See we're uplifting , we're increasing and strengthening our own community from the inside out.