Thursday, August 14, 2008

Prominent Art Critic Described Louis Kahn/FDR Memorial As Fascist, Totalitarian and Speer Like - Need We Say Anymore?

Image of New York 1960 book from Amazon

To mark the 40th anniversary of the 1969 Roosevelt Island lease agreement between the City and State of New York, RIOC has begun to assemble and place online a historical archive documenting the development of Roosevelt Island. Good job by RIOC.

Included in the first batch of materials recently made available is a chapter on Roosevelt Island from New York 1960 a book authored by Robert A.M. Stern, Thomas Mellins and David Fishman. Publishers Weekly says of the book:
Documenting New York City's transformation from manageable metropolis into sprawling megalopolis, this magnificent, panoramic volume sweeps from early 1940s' New York, a world capital of culture, sophistication and commerce, to the mid-'70s, when crime and near economic collapse had tarnished its image.
The book has a very interesting chapter (8) on Roosevelt Island and I would recommend anyone interested in learning about the historical development of Roosevelt Island to read it. I found particularly interesting pages 648-649 which dealt with the Louis Kahn designed FDR memorial. Imagine my astonishment to read this review of Kahn's design by prominent art critic Thomas B. Hess, a self described friend of Kahn and admirer of Franklin Roosevelt:
This is the sort of political edifice that the Italian fascists loved and Speer perfected for the glory of the Third Reich... The site itself is treated heartlessly. What was a modest, picturesquely rugged shoreline has been disciplined to straight lines and symetrical angles that have no significance beyond the alarming one of man's ability to impose a meaningless geometry on nature. The ultimate irony is that Roosevelt, who fought totalitarians to the death, is commemorated in the harsh style propogated by the dictators.

Image of Louis Kahn FDR memorial from

Hess does not merely criticize the Kahn design but denounces it in such a way that had one of the architecturally challenged Roosevelt Islanders who oppose the design said the very same thing, that person would be dismissed as a kook or even worse, an artistically illiterate phillistine (oh my). Now perhaps, other members of the artistic and architectural community will come forward, joining with residents of Roosevelt Island who wish to retain the marvelous, one-of-a kind, 360 degree panoramic views of the East River waterfront and NYC skyline. It is finally time to recognize that Kahn's 1970's era design has no place on a 21st century Roosevelt Island.

The book also confirms what many have known for a long time. The so-called FDR memorial is as much a memorial to Kahn, if not more so, than President Roosevelt. As stated on page 649 of the book, the architect who took over the design following Kahn's death:
viewed the proposed monument as a memorial to Kahn as well as to Roosevelt.
Today, one of the Kahn memorial's leading political supporters, Council Member Jessica Lappin is holding a barbecue fundraiser at Lighthouse Park on Roosevelt Island. Hopefully, Ms. Lappin will address the issue of why she has secured $4 million over the next two years from the NYC budget for the Kahn memorial despite the City's severe budget crisis and more pressing needs on Roosevelt Island such as inadequate and falling down facilities for the Roosevelt Island Library and Youth Center.

On a positive note for Ms. Lappin, Jim Luce of Orphans International encourages all Roosevelt Islanders to attend the Lappin BBQ:
I first met Jessica Lappin in 2001 when she represented the Office of City Council Speaker Gifford Miller in presenting a proclamation from the City of New York to the organization I founded, here on Roosevelt Island, Orphans International Worldwide (

Jessica was sharp, friendly and very alert. Year after year, she came to our events, honoring our humanitarian mission. She moved on from assistant to elected office herself, and now represents Roosevelt Island in the New York City Council.

In the last month, Jessica has managed to get $86,000 in City Council founding for six Roosevelt Island organizations, including Orphans International.

On Thursday, August 14, 6-7:30pm, Jessica is hosting a good old-fashioned picnic at Lighthouse Park for the residents of Roosevelt Island.

I think we Roosevelt Island residents should all join her en masse to express our appreciation of the tremendous job she has done for our island community....
Other than on the Kahn memorial, I agree with Mr. Luce that Ms. Lappin has done a good job on the City Council for Roosevelt Island.