Another Update On Manhattan Park Water Main Shutdown
RIOC President Steve Shane sends the next update on Manhattan Park water main shutdown in front of 40 River Road.
Latest (12/04/08):
Please be advised that RIOC met with DEP, ConEd and Halcyon construction this afternoon. Halcyon will provide all the labor and material necessary to replace the leaking water main sections on Main Street between the AVAC building and 40 River Road under the direction (and on the tab of) of the DEP. Halcyon will also permanently relocate the ConEd 17,000 volt feeder under the direction of ConEd. They will then backfill the entire excavated area to grade.
They expect to complete the site prep by Tuesday December 9th. Because the water shutdown will affect PS 217, they intend to schedule the actual water shutdown and piping replacement for Friday evening December 12th. The relocation of the ConEd feeder and the backfilling to grade should be completed by Tuesday, December 16th.