Tuesday, May 5, 2009

RIRA Common Council Meeting Wednesday 8 PM Good Shepherd Community Center - Credit Card Theft, Bike Storage, Red Bus & Tennis Club Parking

RIRA Common Council Meeting

The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council will be meeting tomorrow night, Wednesday, May 6, 8PM at the Good Shepherd Community Center (543 Main Street, lower level). Prior to the meeting, time is alloted for any resident to speak before the Council and air their views or issues of concern to Roosevelt Islanders.

The Agenda for the meeting is as follows:


Date: Wednesday, May 6th, 2009
Time: 8:00 P.M. - Finish
Place: Good Shepherd Community Center, 543 Main Street
1. Public Session (8:00)
- No requests for public session

2. Roll Call (8:00)
X 3. Approval of Agenda (8:10)
X 4. Approval of Minutes (8:10)
5. Treasurer’s Report (8:30)
6. President's Report (8:30)
7. Committee Reports (8:40)
Government Relations - M. Smith
Communications - E. Erickson
Public Safety - R. Schuppert
Housing - J. Micheff & L. Strong-Shinozaki
Social, Cultural and Educational Services - N. Leopold
X - request for funds of up to $300 to cover the cost of coffee, bagels and OJ on RI Day, 6/6/09.
Island Services - A. Hamburger
- Committee report.
Planning - M. Katz

8. Old Business (9:45)
Matt Katz to bring sign up sheet for the four Saturdays of the blood drive
9. New Business (9:50)

10. Adjourn

X Agenda items requiring action
Next (and Final 1st term) Meeting: Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009

The Agenda can be printed out here.

There's More!

A report by the Island Services Committee is below and can be printed out here.


Credit Card Thefts
There have been two more reported credit card thefts, this time at 455 Main St. (Riverwalk Place). Both victims have been interviewed by the Secret Service. Active investigation of credit card thefts on Roosevelt Island is on-going.

Tennis Club Parking In Southtown
ISC has investigated this issue and concluded it’s a reasonable deal between RIOC and the Tennis Club, with no adverse impact on the Roosevelt Island community. Council members wanting details should e-mail Aaron Hamburger.

Red Bus Morning Rush Hour Service
We continue to get reports of buses by-passing the Good Shepherd and Island House stops due to overcrowding on the bus.

Bike Storage Racks At Subway Station
After ISC contacts with RIOC officials, RIOC has begun to remove bikes which have either been at the racks for too long or are abandoned (as evidenced by flat tires and/or rusted chains). If RIOC is aggressive on this issue, we should see more spots available for legitimate short-term (less than a day) storage of bikes.

Aaron Hamburger
Chair, ISC